
Voice AI
Benefits of Voice AI for your business
In the world of forever increasing overheads, companies are always looking out for efficiency and effective cost cutting processes. As a result, companies are rapidly developing virtual assistants to answer customer queries at any time of the day. Companies are looking for solutions to reduce operational costs and customer service times. Many inbound and outbound processes can be automated. Experience shows that a large number of scenarios can be dealt with, without the need for a "live" agent. The remaining scenarios can be dealt with by a "live" agent should the need arise.
To meet these needs, we need a contact centre system that fully integrates artificial intelligence with the tools available to personal advisors.
Many companies understand the benefits but don’t have the technologies to act upon them.
This is where we come in. Using our bespoke developed systems, we can be your partner in this new and highly desirable field of multichannel communications.
Using our services could cost less than you think, contact us for a quote:
Ian Barker +447738889406
Cost saving using a Voice AI bot
Once a Voice AI bot is integrated as part or all of your inbound or outbound solution, the amount and speed of calls being fielded by your "live" agents will start to decline. Once a reasonable amount of calls have been processed a supervisor will have the ability to analyse the calls and begin to build extra calls/responses for the Voice AI to respond to. This in turn will decrease the need for "live" responses even further leading to greater cost savings.
Fully automated Voice AI solutions
In some sectors like Debt Collection for example, our experience has shown that debtors prefer to complete the entire process without talking to a "live" agent. Voice AI can handle the entire process and then pass the debtor over to an automated payment line. These can increase customer response to paying a debt, and can work 24/7.
Voice AI can be integrated in many ways to your current solutions either by a new inbound/outbound campaign or integration with current call centre setups.
We offer full setup including supervisor analytics and reporting which will help you refine the product.
If you want to talk with us about how we can help setup and maintain a Voice AI system to help with cost saving and efficiencies please call or email:
Ian Barker +447738889406
For a more in depth description of the advantages of Voice AI for your business please click below and download the PDF: