About Us

Connecting for you
Originally incorporated in December 2001, IV Response Limited formed to facilitate the cheap international calls market using dial-through access numbers. This was done using the company brand Call2Call and can still be used to this day at Call2Call. However, having attracted the digital expertise of their Technical Director Ian Barker, complimented by the wealth of telephony routing knowledge of Managing Director Andy Martin, the company surged forward with their Auto-Dialler project.
The raw concept of the auto-dialler was transferred from an associated business, but needed fresh impetus and direction to bring to market a forceful and compelling proposition. Transferred into the developmental care of Call2call in June 2020 the project remained conceptual with Call2call targetting additional layers of logic, automated self decision, culminating in voice interactive AI Bot technologies driving the final call direction route-map.
IV Response Limited are leaders in the development of self-logic outbound telephone auto-diallers for use in programmed customer contact, marketing campaigns, debt collection, and Borough Council operations.
They are developing, from their telephony foothold a powerful digitalised dialler to enable systematic and staged client contact, direct interconnection to the user's customer service call centre on answer, and a complex algorithm for reporting and next action phasing should the outbound call not be answered, hang up, or divert to an answering machine. The 1st generation telephony product launched to market trials in July 2021, with intense development activity ongoing to envisage and digitalise call narrative deciphering and automated call directive actions.
Find out which one of our services will enhance your customer interactions, contact us today and speak to one of our communications specialists.