
Outbound Call Solutions
An outbound call can either be initiated by a call centre agent or an automated call system such as Automated Voice Messaging.
Outbound calls are usually used for sales, telemarketing, lead generation or debt collection.
Each clients message content may differ, but essentially they require a scripted message delivered to an end recipient.
Our solution uses the latest AI Text to Speech voice to deliver a personalised call to each customer from a pre determined list of names and phone numbers. That way the customer gets a more tailor made message. Statistics show that personalising a message makes a customer more likely to interact with the contact centre and resolve the reason for the call.
We can work with lists of many hundreds or many thousands of names and numbers.
Call campaigns can run many thousands of calls over many hours dependent on your campaign requirements.
Our technology is able to determine upon connection whether or not the call has connected to a live person or an answer machine and then deliver a different message in each case.
Calls can be made to either a landline or mobile phone.
An example of the true voice personalised text to speech can be heard below.
Personalised voicemail example using First Name, Last Name, Balance and account number unique inserts
Our outbound messages can be personalised using many different details, for example:
Title, First name, Last name, Company, Account number, balance etc
Reading from a list of data (supplied by our clients) and integrating that data into a fully flexible script, each individual call can contain the precise details of the person receiving the call.
Contact us for a custom demo.
Outbound campaigns can benefit from using access numbers from our extensive range of both Geographic and non-Geographic numbers to record and report call backs from the outbound campaign.
Select a UK Geographic number (01,02) or a non Geographic (08,03) from our vast Ofcom allocated ranges, or allow us if preferred to display your current company access number.
We have a full UK Geographic selection from Aberdeen to Yeovil including all the main UK cities (Edinburgh, Cardiff, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool etc) please contact us for details.
You may wish to use generic UK wide 08 or 03 type numbers instead.
We will present the correct number on all your outbound calls, enabling customers who miss your calls to call back and get connected to the correct company.